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phpIPAM Scan Agent

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A phpIPAM scan agent designed for both local and remote network scanning. This Ansible Collection contains all of the componets required to launch a scan agent that will report back to the phpIPAM server. This collection is also built into it's own docker container and is available on Docker Hub.

This collection has been broken down into two components, a server and a scanner. The scanner as the name implies will scan the networks assigned to it by phpIPAM and on completing a scan of a subnet, will post the results to the Server component which will process the results, and update the phpIPAM MySQL/MariaDB database directly.

This agent has been created to solve a few shortcomings of the official scan-agent. Ansible was chosen as the tool for the creation of the scan-agent. This was done as it lowers the bar of entry to modifying and development. This as well as that Ansible is a mature automation system that has many modules. The latter offers a wide range of integrating different systems. The scanner component is just an ansible playbook, whilst the server is an ansilbe rulebook which is based upon Event Driven Ansible (EDA).


This collection is available on Ansible Galaxy and can be installed with ansible-galaxy collection install nofusscomputing.phpipam_scan_agent. When installing all of the required dependencies are installed.

Prefer to use our docker image? It's available on Docker Hub docker pull nofusscomputing/phpipam-scan-agent:latest.

There is no timezone support within phpIPAM. Due to this it's recommended that you setup phpIPAM, the database and the scanner component to use UTC (GMT +00:00) timezone or that all components be setup to use the same timezone.


The following features are available or planned to be implmented:

phpIPAM Features

This section describes the phpIPAM settings and what they each do for the scanner/server component. Regardless of any setting detailed below, unless otherwise specified. If the scan agent is not assigned to the subnet, the subnet will not be scanned.

Discover new hosts

  • Location Subnet -> Discover new hosts

When this setting is enabled, the scanner will scan the entire subnet that has been assigned to it. Every host that is found is updated in phpIPAM.


the work in Hosts check, will adjust this behaviour to only add hosts that dont exist.

  • Location Subnet -> Discover new hosts [Last discovery time]

This is displayed within the subnet interface next to the Discover new hosts field. Whenever a scan report is received by the server this filed is updated to reflect the last scan time.

Resolve DNS names

  • Location Subnet -> Resolve DNS names

When this setting is enabled, DNS resolution for the hostname for any IP found will be conducted. If you have setup nameservers (Administration -> Nameservers) and assigned them to the subnet, they will be used for name resolution. If no nameservers are configured for the subnet, the host's nameservers where the scanner is running from will be used. BY default within phpIPAM, DNS Resolution is turned off for a subnet and as such the scanner will not resolve IP address DNS names.


The FQDN for an IP that is retured is not used as the hostname. Only the first octet. i.e. if the reverse DNS lookup returns a FQDN of my_hostname.domainname.tld, the hostname for the IP address will be set to my_hostname

Scan Agent

  • Location Administration -> Scan agents [Last access]

This is displayed within the Scan Agent table in column Last access. When ever the scanner checks in, the time of the checkin is used to update the field.

  • Location Subnet -> Scan agent [Last Check]

This is displayed within the subnet interface next to Scan agent field. When ever the scanner checks in, the time of the checkin is used to update the field.

Development Notes

Contributions to this project are welcome. Below you will find some useful commands for use during development.

# To build the container. ensure the changes are commited and push to you feature branch
docker build . --tag scan-agent:dev --build-arg  COLLECTION_BRANCH=<your feature branch name> --build-arg COLLECTION_COMMIT=$(git log -n1 --format=format:"%H")

# Launch your build container
docker run \
    -d \
    -v "./scan_agent.yaml:/etc/phpipam/scan_agent.yaml" \
    -v "./scan_server.yaml:/etc/phpipam/scan_server.yaml" \
    -e "ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/ansible.log" \
    -p "5000:5000" \
    --name scan-agent \

# remove launched dev container
docker rm --force scan-agent

Our docker build file has been designed so that during development it will pull from the repository branch as specified to find the collection to install. if you fail to specify your feature branch, the collection will not install the work you have been doing.


This page forms part of our Project phpIPAM Scan Agent.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-02-20
Date Edited: 2024-02-26


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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors